
Maximize Productivity in a Shared Workspace

Workspace , Productivity

Unlock the full potential of your shared workspace by implementing these productivity tips and strategies.

Are you struggling to get through the workday and feeling distracted in a shared workspace? Learning how to optimize your time and efforts can be challenging when you don’t know where to start. Here are five tips and strategies you can implement today to maximize productivity, stay focused, and crush your goals!

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Set daily goals and make a to-do list

If you are overwhelmed by the amount of work you need to get done, taking time to outline your goals and tasks for the day or week can help. This outline will give you a better idea of what needs to get done, how urgent each task is, and how to structure your day. 

Goals can provide direction for projects and tasks, while tasks are actionable items that represent specific steps you take to achieve those goals. Checking off completed tasks on a list can give you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, so don’t be afraid to write down the little things to get the ball rolling! You can also try ranking tasks by importance and urgency to ensure they get completed on time.  

Try time blocking and calendar sharing

Time blocking is a popular time management technique that helps people divide their day into specific blocks of time. Using this technique, you can plan dedicated time blocks for meetings, tasks, and breaks, ensuring you stay on track at work and don’t burn out.

Linking your calendar detailed with upcoming events, deadlines, and important meetings can also help with proper planning. You can share your calendar with your supervisor and colleagues so they know when you are available for meetings and collaboration.

Set dedicated focus times 

After organizing your schedule, plan dedicated focus time to work without distractions or interruptions. To ensure you are focused the entire time, try silencing notifications, putting on noise-canceling headphones, or going to the focus room. Getting into a focused mindset will allow you to fully engage in the task at hand and work more efficiently.

When determining how long to set your focus times, consider your attention span and when you can concentrate best. Some people prefer longer sessions, while others prefer multiple shorter sessions. Personalize your focus sessions to work for you!

Move around and switch locations 

Staying in one place for too long can lead to mental fatigue and low motivation. Try switching it up! If possible, try working in different areas around the office. Changing your physical location can help boost creativity, increase productivity, break up the day, and keep work fun. It can also help you get into the proper headspace for different tasks.

Check out the most inspiring coworking spaces in Sydney.

Take breaks

Most important of all! Don’t forget to take breaks throughout the work day. While hustle culture is popular, it can often lead to stress, burnout, and lower work quality. Breaks allow your mind to rest and recharge for your next task, improving productivity and efficiency. Grab a snack or take a short walk to help maintain performance and prevent physical and mental strain. 

Figuring out the best ways to be productive at work can take time. Give these tips and strategies a go and let us know if they work out for you. We’d love to hear from you!